Saturday, August 31, 2013

eight months later...

so costco has already pulled out the christmas decorations (in august. really?), and i realized i never showed y'all what team stone got for christmas last year:

meet anderson. born december 27th. stealing hearts and commandeering free time ever since! we celebrated the eight month mark last week and are looking more like this:

in the countdown to the big birthday, we managed to give our kitchen a facelift, convert the guest room into the nursery, convert the piano room into a breakfast room and convert the dining room into an office, where i now work from home with my best buddy up there. personal assistant! will work for puffs!

i'm going to attempt to get back to it and share all these projects and related hullabaloo. because also? we bought a new house yesterday! time to document stone house 1.0 before moving on to the next phase!