Tuesday, September 1, 2009

faux bois

if it resembles a tree branch, i will buy it. case in point, we own all of these items:

(urban outfitters)


(urban outfitters)


a drawer pull on my desk like this one:
and three hurricanes similar to this in various sizes:

too much? nay. i shall not rest until our house resembles a forest.

michael aram's my boy. i'd add this vase and candle holder to the collection:

and i've been lusting after these for months, though captain fantastic says they're "too modern" for us. boo. must be all the silver+black+drum shade bidniss:

(z gallerie)

i'm also down with un-faux bois. i put some real branches in a vase on our console table, which i'd show you if my living room weren't currently disassembled and strewn about the house while we repaint the walls.

i think this is a pretty cool idea for a side table:

(source unknown...design sponge maybe?)

and i'm pretty sure we'll be undertaking a rustic-coffee-table-diy-initiative at some point in the near future. comme ça:

except smaller. i mean have you seen the living-room-to-dog size ratio in our household? please.

got any fun bois to share, faux or otherwise?

1 comment:

  1. i like these guys http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=30164035&ref=sr_list_1&&ga_search_query=wood+bark+vase&ga_search_type=handmade&ga_page=&order=date_desc&includes[]=tags&includes[]=title
