Friday, January 14, 2011

a rockin' makeover

now that the holiday season is over, i can get back to my irregularly unscheduled blogging. which is better than no blogging at all, yes? and never fear, friends; good things come to those who wait. things like a furniture painting project for another person! not related to me! who paid me! for painting! a "commission" for a "client," if you will. and i think i will.

the client: the sweet mama of two precious little girls
the commission: transform her husband's childhood rocking chair:

into something that will better compliment his daughters' girly-girl style:

pink and green and girly? this might be a stretch for me.

or, you know, not.

a little paint, glaze and creative-muscle-flexing later, and behold:

funnest. project. ever.

*i know funnest is not the proper superlative of fun. blogging grammar is like abstract art: you have to know the rules, then you can break them. capishe?


  1. Oh dear lord I love the way you paint an "H"...I must find something for you to paint on! How do you do with "W"?

  2. excellent work, mrs. stone! absolutely perfect. i know they must be thrilled.

    oh how i have missed your good to read you again!

  3. Love,love,love it! I already have the same exact chair, and guess what? it's already white! Think maybe we could paint a life perserver on the seat for a little nautical theme going in a lake house?

  4. it's so lovely! glad to see you getting paid to do what you do best xx

  5. The detail on the seat is soooooo purty!!! Cute writing too- you have a way with words :0) I was definitely giggling.
    Kate @
