Wednesday, March 16, 2011

get thee to target

friends. our local target was recently renovated to include a grocery section, and it has given me the excuse to be ten kinds of all up in that store on a weekly basis nowadays. target also happens to be totally bringing it in the home decor department, and i feel compelled to share.

exhibit a, $25 quatrefoil mirror:

in not my finish of choice:

but no matter. a little gold leaf and glaze later...

i wanted an antiquey chippy look (try to hide your surprise), so i got all haphazard with the gold leaf application, which resulted in the desired finish. considering getting another one to hang above it. because mirrors need friends too.

exhibit b, $12 outdoor fabric pillows in a suspiciously familiar pattern:

headed to team stone's lake house for phase one of our lake house bedroom makeover. which brings to mind another target purchase...back in the bathroom reno days, i got a simple mirror-framed mirror there like this:

when i got it home, i realized that there was a crack in the frame that had been hidden by the packaging. being too lazy to return it resourceful, i decided to give it a little nautical flair for ye olde lake house, inspired by this:

of course, that project is still on the to-do list at present. again, try to hide your surprise.

for funsies, here's my main inspiration picture for our room at the lake house:

i'm thinking blue & white, with a hint of rainbow trout. captain fantastic spends a lot of time fly-fishing in the river that feeds the lake, so it would be appropriate, no?

the room is currently decked out in the previous owners' choices of wood paneling painted a pale pepto pink, with a lovely accent wall of metallic floral wallpaper and a smorgasboard of mismatched furnishings. big plans, friends. big plans.


  1. OMG-if I go buy one/two/three of those mirrors will you do that for me? LOVE it. Good work you resourceful thing!

  2. i'll take one of each.... especially if you gold leaf the mirror for me.

  3. Sign me up! I need a mirror despertley for my powder room, may need to create one since the one that goes with the vanity is yuky. Need to talk.

  4. anonymous is aunt joanie since she can't seem to publish a comment right!

  5. love it! excellent, excellent work on the leaf.

    you seem an awfully lot like someone who turns her can'ts into cans and her dreams into plans! ;)

    (see you at target.) xx

  6. gold leaf mirror rocks! your resourcefulness shames me ...
