Thursday, May 6, 2010


remember these guys?

i scored a pair of side tables at an antique mall a while back for $idon'trememberhowmuchbutnotalot$. this was also before i learned that photographs are best taken sans flash. obviously.

i hope you're not getting all excited on me, thinking that i've actually done something to them. but i'm pretty sure you know me well enough to realize that they still look exactly the same.

anyhoo, i purchased them because i was able to overlook their dated finish and hardware out of love for the detailed corners of the tabletops:

i knew something could be done!

....just not exactly what.

i've always been certain of two things:

1) paint

but that's about it. creamy white paint and distressed edges? a shiny coat of lacquer? stripes on the front of the drawers? too many options. my brain shut down and nothing was done.

but, soft! what light through yonder window breaks? it is the east, and high heeled foot in the door is the sun. check out what a little spray paint and leftover grass cloth wallpaper did to a set of nesting tables bound for the curb at her clients' home:

inspired by oomph's ungodly-expensive-yet-adorable 'tini tables. which, i then recalled, also come in a fabulous quatrefoil design:

do we see the resemblance?

yes, i meant to post the pictures twice. as if i were holding up a picture in front of your face, then swapping it for another picture, then bringing back the original picture, then switching again. to make a point. that they look similar.


i just so happen to possess a roll of leftover grass cloth wallpaper from my parents former den (hung circa 1981 mind you, because remember how they are ahead of the times).


i think we all know what happens next.


  1. it's the nailhead that got you. let's be honest.

  2. i see it. i definitely see it. now, make me see it.

  3. i can't wait to see what you do with them!
